Business Owners & Professionals

My work is my life. How is financial planning different for me?

As a small business owner, you face a unique set of financial challenges. Your personal and business situations are closely linked and a successful personal circumstance depends heavily on how well your business does.

Our team has specialized expertise in helping small business owners like you plan and coordinate your financial affairs to ensure that you are well on track to the life of your dreams – on your own terms!

A winning financial game plan is not glamorous, it’s just common sense. For more information or to set up an appointment to discuss your dreams, please feel free to contact our office.


Exit Planning

"The Core Value Proposition of Exit Planning is to help the business owner get out of their business when they want, with the money they need, transitioning to whom they want."

Private business owners are the lifeblood of a strong economy: Their businesses employ the largest share of people, and their successes have deeply important impacts on their communities. As an owner, you deserve a business exit that reflects the successes you’ve brought to others. That’s why our mission, as your Exit Planning Advisor, is to make sure that you don’t leave those successes at the office.

You, your family, and your business legacy must reap the rewards of properly executed Exit Planning for us to consider our services successful. We will work tirelessly and diligently to get you what you want, because we want what you want: a profitable business exit that allows you to leave your business when you want, for the money you need, and to the person you choose.

As a member of The BEI Network of Exit Planning Professionals™—the most widely respected and successful Exit Planning network in North America—Mowbray Wright Financial uses The BEI Seven Step Exit Planning Process™, a systematic process that is universal in its practice but unique in its outcomes. Our process works because it centers on your goals, your situation, and your needs. We have used this Process for businesses of various sizes, scopes, and industries across North America, allowing owners who implement the Process to exit their businesses on their terms.

Successful business exits are no different than successful business building: They’re the result of thoughtful, long-term planning rather than chance. We want the chance to help you create a thoughtful, long-term plan for your business exit. We look forward to learning about your unique goals and helping you create an Exit Plan that lets your family, your business, your community, and, most importantly, you enjoy your business exit in style.


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The 8 Possible Exit Paths for Business Owners


Seven Questions Owners should ask themselves regarding Exit Planning

1. How do you see your involvement in your business changing or evolving in the future

2. What's your next great adventure after you leave your business?

3. What role does your business need to play in helping you achieve financial freedom?

4. What is your plan for your ownership interest in your business: do you plan to pass ownership along, or arrange for a sale some day?

5. Given your (buyer or successor) plans, have you thought about who the best leader for your business might be?

6. What planning suggestions have other business advisors given you to prepare for the future ownership of your business?

7. What do you see as your greatest challenge when you think about planning for the future?